Family of the Month - Al and Marcia Capuano were named the Knights of Columbus Family of the Month for April 2023.  Al is a Past Grand Knight and has held several officer positions for the council for many years.  Marcia is a regular lector at St. Luke Masses among other things she does for the parish.  She also helped Al organize the Knights' Summer Bocce League.  Thanks Al and Marcia!


Knights Pancake Breakfast - On April 30, 2023, the Knights raised money to support their charitable giving with one of their famous pancake breakfasts.  Thanks for your good work, men.

Dedication of the Blessed Fr. Michael McGivney Room - On April 26, 2023, Msgr. Schaedel and Fr. Jayaraju accepted a check for $20,000 from Council 14895 and dedicated the Blessed Fr. Michael McGivney Room, part of the recent addition to the St. Luke campus and new home of Council 14895.  Blessed Fr. Michael McGivney was the founder of the Knights of Columbus.  His cause for canonization began in 1996.  Pope Francis beatified him on October 31, 2020.

March 2023 Family of the Month - The Andy Gzibovskis was recognized by Grand Knight Bob Calliotte for pitching in as a family to help make the Knights' fish fries successes.  Andy is also the council's treasurer.  Bob presented Andy and Laura a certificate and a Holy Family icon.

The 2022 Family of the Year is the Bauers!  Congratulations to brother Andy Bauer and his family. They were selected Family of the Year for 2022.  The Andy and Kari have organized the St. Luke Hot Dog nights for several years, the whole family can be seen in various ministries at Mass and Andy is can always be found slinging beers and serving food at fish fries and pancake breakfasts.  Thanks to the Bauers for all our generous work and for being a great example for others to follow.

Congratulations, 2022 Knight of the Year, Frank Loughery!  Grand Knight Bob Calliotte recognized brother Frank Loughery as Knight of the Year for 2022.  Along with the many ways Frank generously serves the Church and parish, Frank has been acting as the interim parish manager for nearly a year.  Thanks for your great service, Frank!

The February 2023 Knight’s Family of the Month is Chris and Majella Scheer. Chris is a 4th Degree Knight and along with his brother, Ken, directs parking during often unpleasant weather for our fish fries. Chris received the Holy Family icon from worthy Grand Knight, Bob Calliotte.

The February 2023 Knight of the Month is Bob Roberts.  Bob nearly singlehandedly keeps the council afloat with his efforts to recruit fish fry beer barons/baronesses and wine lords/ladies and Bob spearheaded the efforts to raise funding for naming the council's new home, the new Father Michael J. McGivney room.  Bob received a copy of By Their Works, from worthy Grand Knight, Bob Calliotte.

The January 2023 Knight’s Family of the Month is the Igor and Maria Gedjos Family. Igor and Maria and their children are active parishioners and frequently assist in Knights activities. Many thanks to the Gedjos Family for their support of the Knights of Columbus.

The Knight of the Month for January 2023 is John Koke for all the work he does to organize the events the Knights host.  Thanks for your hard work, John.

January 5, 2023: Brother Russ Bryant is awarded the Knight of the Month certificate for December 2022 for his generous volunteerism, including the tough job of dishwashing at our Fall pancake breakfast.  Grand Knight Bob Calliotte also presented Russ a copy of By Their Works. By Their Works presents over sixty brief biographies Knights of Columbus members and their contributions to society.

Brother Roger Brouillette was chosen Knight of the Month for December 2022 along with Russ Bryant.  Together the duo tackled the tough job of dishwashing at our Fall pancake breakfast.  Grand Knight Bob Calliotte presented Roger a copy of By Their Works with his Knight of the Month certificate.


On January 5, 2023, District Deputy Greg Vanzo presented past Grand Knight Victor Melchiorre the Founders Award.  The council met insurance goals during Victor's tenure as Grand Knight.

The Joe and Krissy Seufert family was recognized as the Family of the Month for December 2022.  Joe serves on the St. Luke Building and Grounds committee and Joe, Ben and Lauren all did great work at the pancake breakfast.

December 7, 2022: The St. Luke Knights, led by Fr. Jayaraju, delivered 168 coats to the students at Holy Angels school in Indianapolis.  Thanks to everyone who worked at and/or supported our pancake breakfasts which raised money to buy the coats!


Brother Frank Loughery is recognized as Knight of the Month for November 2022 for going well above and beyond in serving as the interim parish manager for St. Luke's.  Grand Knight Bob Calliotte presented Frank the Knight of the Month certificate and a copy of By Their Works.  Frank deserves the gratitude of the entire parish!

On November 17, 2022, Barb and Bill Hendrickson received the Family of the Month certificate and Holy Family icon from Grand Knight Bob Calliotte for their consistent, generous work for the St. Luke parish.

On November 11, 2022, Veterans Day, the St. Luke Knights met for lunch to honor Brother (and marine) Dick Ryan for his contributions to the council.  Dick was a major force behind the establishment of Council 14895 and has held a variety of officer posts with the council.  Brother Nick Jose presented Dick with a certificate in recognition of his many contributions.  Thanks, Dick!

Fr. Jararaju and Grand Knight Bob Calliotte represent the St. Luke Knights as they show our appreciation to Diane Schafer for her years of tireless work for the parish.


Brother Ken Larkey is recognized as Knight of the Month for October 2022 for his efforts organizing another successful pancake breakfast.  Grand Knight Bob Calliotte presented Ken the Knight of the Month certificate and a copy of By Their Works, a book which presents over sixty brief biographies of productive members of the Knights of Columbus society.

Grand Knight Bob Calliotte congratulates the family of the month for October 2022, Nick and Ellen Jose.  Nick is a charter member of the council and has held multiple officer's posts.  Nick and Ellen support St. Luke as lectors, helping to support and organize the perpetual adoration chapel and many other ways.

St. Luke Knights participated in prayer vigils outside of Planned Parenthood during the 40 Days for Life from September 26th through November 6th.

Family of the Month for September 2022, Tom and Carol Feick are recognized for their pro-life and faith life efforts at St. Luke and beyond.

September 2022 Knight of the Month, Will Fox is recognized for his great work organizing the Grillin' Knights for Fall Fest.

Family of the Month for August 2022: The Andy Bauers family for their consistent hard work making hot dog nights happen throughout the summer.

Thanks to Past Grand Knight Victor Melchiorre, receiving his black shirt from Grand Knight Bob Calliotte.

The St. Luke Knights returned with two fish fries during Lent 2022 on March 4th and March 18th.

February 19 and March 5, 2021: The St. Luke Knights' 2021 Fish Fries were limited to drive-through service, but were successful, nonetheless.

The St. Luke Knights provided 165 winter coats and fit the students at Holy Angels Catholic School on November 18, 2020. Mark Garza and Dick Ryan made sure everyone got a perfect fit.

February 8, 2020:  The St. Luke Knights funded T-Shirts for a sharp looking choir at St. Michael Catholic School.

December 3, 2019:  The St. Luke Knights provided winter coats to help the students at Holy Angels Catholic School stay warm.

September 29, 2019:  The St. Luke Knights helped facilitate Msgr. Schaedel's Server Appreciation Bowling Party.  A fun time was had by all who attended.  The 7:30 Mass servers took top honors.

August 25, 2019:  Another successful pancake breakfast provided an opportunity for evangelization, community building and fellowship.

On August 22nd, the St. Luke Knights made a cookout-style dinner for the Seminarians at Bishop Simon Bruté College Seminary.  It was a great opportunity to meet new seminarians who had just arrived at the seminary. Keep the seminarians in your prayers as they discern their vocations.

On April 23rd, the St. Luke Knights prepared and served breakfast for the students and teachers at Holy Angels Catholic School to help fuel them for their first day of I LEARN Testing.

April 22, 2019 marked the first night of the first St. Luke Knights Bocce League.  Fr. Joby made a guest celebrity appearance and took a couple tosses.

January 27, 2019:  The Knights hosted their first pancake breakfast of the year, this one to benefit The Gabriel Project, which offers assistance to women and families facing difficult or unplanned pregnancies:

January 3, 2019: John Sturgill was recognized as Knight of the Month.  Grand Knight Bob Calliotte presents Andy and Laura Gzivboskis the award for Family of the Month:

January 3, 2019: District Deputy, Chuck Hagerman presents Grand Knight Bob Calliotte the 300 Percent Award for the St. Luke Knights' contributions for archdiocesan seminarians:

October 29, 2018: Under the leadership of Mark Garza and the Gzibovskis family, the knights provided coats for kids at Holy Angels school:

Our newest knight, Fr. Joby has agreed to become the council's new chaplain:

September 22, 2018:  Will Fox coordinated the efforts of the Grilling Knights for the St. Luke Fall Festival.  He takes a break with brother knights Nick Jose and Mike Hirsch:

Knight and Grillmaster, Chris Scheer grilled up hot dogs and brats for Mgsr. Schaedel's server appreciation picnic on September 16th:

August 29, 2018:  Construction of the long-awaited bocce courts has begun.  Knights John Koke and Gary Gadomski in the early stages of building the perimeter of the St. Luke bocce courts.  Leo Stenz provided a Bobcat and labor to grade the ground:

August 26, 2018:  Pancake breakfast to raise money for Coats for Kids:

On August 25th, Fourth Degree Knights, Joe Cahill, Bob Roberts and GK Bob Calliotte scored a photo opp with Archbishop Charles Thompson after honor guard duties for the sacrament of Confirmation at St. Luke:

On June 13, 2018, the Knights hosted the St. Luke hot dog night and gave away a nice bike:

At the general meeting on June 7th, Dick Ryan was recognized for his recruitment efforts by Grand Knight, Al Capuano:

And then Al Capuano was recognized for his dedication and efforts as the council's Grand Knight:

March 19, 2021:  St. Luke Knights were out in force during the Stations of the Cross, led by Msgr. Stumpf, to kick off the overnight Vigil at 40 Days for Life.

Four St. Luke Knights chaperoned the St. Luke 7th grade boys for the day while they visited St. Meinrad Archabbey on May 30th:

Later in the day on May 20th, the Knights hosted the servers' picnic with Team Mark edging Team Matthew for the traveling trophy:

The St. Luke Knights served the SMRE Breakfast on May 20, 2018:

Knights serve the SMRE breakfast

Mark and Xiomara Garza led the way as the knights visited a different Notre Dame ACE Academy each day during the week from May 7 to 11, distributing blue-tooth enabled stuffed animals to excited children:

Toys for Notre Dame ACE schools

May 3, 2018: The Knights were out in force at the St. Joseph's MVPS Dinner:

Knights at the St. Joseph MVPS dinner

Andy Bauer working the April 22, 2018 pancake breakfast:

Knights Al Capuano, Andy Bauer and Benjamin Rotz working the Knights fish fry:

Grand Knight, Al Capuano with January 2018 Knight of the Month, Dave Fink:

January 4, 2018: Financial Secretary, Ed Cummins and Grand Knight, Al Capuano received recognition from the Indiana State Council of St. Luke Council 14895's inclusion in the 500+% Club.  The award recognizes the St. Luke council's support of seminarians.

The December 2017 Knight of the Month is Msgr. Joseph Schaedel.

Msgr. Schaedel transferred his membership in the Knights of Columbus to St. Luke Council 14895 and hosted a membership drive event on November 30th at the St. Luke rectory.  A good time was had by all in attendance.

The Knights prepared a pancake breakfast on December 10th.  Proceeds from the breakfast and donations from the diaper drive held at the same time benefit the Women's Care Center, St. Elizabeth|Coleman Pregnancy and Adoption Services, and Holy Family Shelter:

On December 9th, the Knights made breakfast for the Mothers of Young Children's breakfast with St. Nick:

On November 20th, the Knights distributed coats at Holy Cross Central School through our Coats for Kids program:

Grand Knight, Al Capuano with November 2017, Knight of the Month, John Koke:

The Knights had an informal dinner night with their wives on November 4th, coordinated by Brother Andy Gzibovskis and his wife, Laura.  A great evening of fellowship and socializing.  Knights chaplain, Fr. Xavier, kept everyone in line:

Couples Dinner

On October 31st, the Knights distributed nearly 50 of coats at Holy Angels School through our Coats for Kids Program.  Brother Mike Hirsch poses with a couple coat models:


Brother Mark Garza took on the heat of the day and the heat from the grills to anchor the efforts of the Grillin' Knights at the St. Luke Fall Fest:

Fall Fest

The Knights held their annual bike rodeo, where they check bicycles for safety, air-up tires, clean and oil bike chains and test the safety skills of young cyclists, during the June 7th Hot Dog Night at St. Luke:

The corn hole competition is tough at the Knights family picnic:

Family Picnic



August 25, 2024 - Pancake Breakfast, Sign up here

September 20 and 21, 2024 - Fall Fest

September 21, 2024 - Soccer Challenge - Click Here for Entry Form
