April 22, 2019: The opening night of the St. Luke Knights' first Bocce League:
On January 27, 2019 the St. Luke Knights hosted their first pancake breakfast of the year.
November 4, 2018: The Knights out Dinner with their wives was a fun night for all who attended.
October 29, 2018: Through their Coats for Kids program, the St. Luke Knights provided coats to students at Holy Angels school:
On October 21st, the St. Luke the Evangelist Council welcomed four new brother knights, Austin Pittman, Walt Kuhn, Chet Kubit and Chase Downham.
On October 4, 2018, Msgr. Schaedel hosted the Knights and prospective Knights at the rectory for the Knights annual membership drive. During the evening, Grand Knight, Bob Calliotte recognized Dick Ryan as Knight of the Month for recent and past recruiting efforts and many other contributions to the council:
September 22, 2018: The Grilling Knights provided hamburgers, hot dogs, brats and other delicacies for the St. Luke Fall Festival. Will Fox coordinated the Knights' efforts and takes a well deserved break with Nick Jose and Mike Hirsch. It was the first weekend as a Knight for our newest council member and new council Chaplain, Fr. Joby!
Msgr. Schaedel, with the St. Luke Knights, has hosted a picnic to show his appreciation for servers at St. Luke Masses for each of the last three years. The 2018 Servers' Picnic was held on September 16th. Team Matthew won the traveling trophy on the strength of their athletic, water balloon and St. Luke trivia skills.
On September 10th, current and past officers of the St. Luke Knights met at Daddy Jacks to recognize Al Capuano and other past council presidents at the past presidents' dinner:
September 6th, 2018: Grand Knight Bob Calliotte awards Ken Corbett the August Knight of the Month in recognition of his leadership as coordinator of the August pancake breakfast which raised funds for Coats for Kids.

On August 29, 2018, brothers Gary Gadomski, John Koke and Dave Fink got started on construction of the long-awaited bocce courts. Leo Stenz of Stenz Construction provided a Bobcat and its driver, Bob, to grade the area and then they stayed most of the day to help. Brothers Bob Roberts and Nick Beckman helped Gary deliver the timbers. Brother Brian Duncan arranged for stone and sand from Irving Materials, Inc.
On August 26th, the Knights provided breakfast to raise funds for the Knights' Coats for Kids program:
August 25, 2018: Fourth Degree Knights Joe Cahill, Bob Roberts and Bob Calliotte provided honor guard when Archbishop Charles Thompson came to St. Luke to bestow the sacrament of Confirmation:
Grand Knight Bob Calliotte led the way as officers were installed on June 23, 2018
The Knights hosted hot dog night at St. Luke and gave away a sweet new bike on June 13th.
May 30, 2018: St. Luke Knights Dave Fink, Tony Grego, Tom Miller and Msgr. Schaedel were chaperones for the day as the St. Luke 7th grade boys visited St. Meinrad Archabbey. The visit was capped off with Mass at the Monte Cassino Chapel.
On May 20, 2018, the Knights hosted the St. Luke servers' picnic. Team Mark retained the trophy after various hard fought competitions.
On May 20, 2018, the Knights served at the St. Luke SMRE Breakfast.
During the week of May 7th through the 11th, thanks to the efforts of Knight Mark Garza and his wife Xiomara, the St. Luke Knights were able to distribute some cool blue-tooth stuffed animals to some excited kids at St. Philip Neri, St. Anthony, Holy Cross Central, Holy Angels and Central Catholic Schools.
The St. Luke Knights filled several tables (and tended bar) at the St. Joseph MVPS Dinner with speaker, John Andretti, on May 3rd
Pancake Breakfast - April 22, 2018:
Working the Mothers of Young Children Breakfast with St. Nick:
Coats for Kids Distribution, November 21 2017
Couples Dinner, November 4, 2017
Grand Knight, Al Capuano, with November 2017 Knight of the Month, John Koke
Coats for Kids, October 31, 2017
St. Luke Fall Festival, September 23, 2017
The Knights' Bike Rodeo, June 7, 2017:
Fish Fry, March 17, 2017
Preparing for Mass with Archbishop Tobin
Family Picnic
Fish Fry, February 16, 2017