The Knights of Columbus organization was founded through the efforts of Fr. Michael McGivney in New Haven, Connecticut in 1882; a time when workplace accidental death and disability were more common than today. Fr. McGivney (whose cause for canonization is being investigated) hoped to provide financial aid to members and their families in times of need. The Knights of Columbus promoted fellowship through educational, charitable, religious and social programs.
From these beginnings, the Knights of Columbus has grown to over 15,000 councils with 1.9 million members throughout the United States, three U.S. territories and thirteen other countries, while Fr. McGivney’s financial assistance program has evolved into one of the most reliable life insurance, annuity and long-term care programs available.
St. Luke the Evangelist Catholic Church in north-central Indianapolis is home to the Knights of Columbus Council 14895. The St. Luke Knights invite practicing Catholic men to join us as we pray together, socialize and work together for the good of the Church, our community and our country.
Two of the primary causes to which the Knights are devoted are the Indiana Special Olympics and Gibault Children's Services.
The Knights of Columbus provide financial support to the Special Olympics and join in the fun of Special Olympics events by assisting in the preparation for competition and officiating at events.
Gibault was founded in 1921 by the Indiana Knights of Columbus as a home for wayward boys. Over the years, Gibault has evolved to meet the ever-changing needs of troubled kids everywhere. Today, Gibault serves boys and girls and has provided life-changing opportunities for over 10,000 children and their families. The St. Luke Knights of Columbus provide financial support to Gibault and encourages knights to become actively involved in the good work performed at Gibault.
The St. Luke Knights of Columbus provide Coats for Kids for children at Holy Angels School. We have provided funding to the Women's Care Center, Birthline, the Great Lakes Gabriel Project, the Christian Refugee Relief Fund, the Franciscan Foundation for the Holy Land, the Hollis Adams Foundation, Right To Life, the Indiana State Council Pro Life Initiative ultrasound program, Blessed Sacrament Monastery and for projects throughout the St. Luke Parish. We operate the 40 Cans for Lent drive with a goal each year to provide 10,000 lbs. of food for the Boulevard Place Food Pantry and sponsor blood drives for the Indiana Blood Bank.
The St. Luke Knights of Columbus raise funds for these efforts and for other projects through our pancake breakfasts, Lenten fish fries and Keep Christ in Christmas cards sales. The St. Luke Knights are also visible as ushers, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, etc. at a fifth Sunday Mass each time a month contains five Sundays; at our Bike Rodeo each Spring where we check the bikes of children of the parish for safety, and teach the children safe riding skills; as support for the Mary’s Way dinner; as bartenders for the MOYC St. Patrick’s Day party; working breakfasts for the St. Luke SMRE and MOYC; as part of the Life Chain; at our Free Throw Contest and our Soccer Kick. These efforts provide additional opportunities to contribute to the good of our parish while enjoying the fun the events provide, and the fellowship of our brother knights.
If you would like to learn more about the Knights of Columbus at St. Luke the Evangelist, or would like to join us, PLEASE follow the link below.